
Based at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the High Road Strategy Center is a national think-and-do tank that promotes “high road” solutions to social problems. These treat shared growth and opportunity, environmental sustainability, and resilient democratic institutions as necessary and achievable complements in human development. High Road Strategy Center is nonpartisan but values-based. We seek a world of equal opportunity and security for all.

To make a tax-deductible donation:

  1. Click here. This will take you to the University of Wisconsin Foundation’s High Road Strategy Center-specific page.
  2. If you wish to designate all or a portion of your donation to a High Road Strategy Center project, just add the name of the project and the designated amount in the “notes” section on the Foundation page. Thank you for your support!

Your donation supports our mission to move more cities, regions, and governments toward high-road development.

Thank you.


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