Local Policy

Since our founding, High Road Strategy Center has emphasized that through efficient and democratic governance, society can achieve outcomes that lead to environmental sustainability and equity for all peoples. We believe that the public sector, including elected officials, utilities, and more, is an important component of achieving these goals.


Launched in 2020, ProGov21 is a collaborative effort between High Road Strategy Center and many of our partners. Covering policy areas from energy to election finance, ProGov21 brings resources and sample high road policies to non-federal and non-state public entities with power (counties, cities, villages, towns, commissions, authorities, and districts). We thank all of the contributors who have made this project possible, and we welcome new additions to our resource library.


Related Work

We believe that cities are central and critical to getting on the high road. Check out our other city-focused areas of work:


We bring our learnings from across our decades of experience working with local, state, and federal governments and agencies to identify how the public sphere can best serve constituents in an efficient, democratic, and equitable manner. Our writing covers a wide range of policy topics.

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Want to learn more about ProGov21 and our work around policy and governance? Contact Katya Spear.