Please join the Mayors Innovation Project, the National League of Cities, the U.S. Water Alliance and the Clean Water, Healthy Cities Coalition for a webinar about EPA’s forthcoming national stormwater regulations.
Stormwater remains one of the most significant sources of water pollution in many areas of the country. Accumulated runoff also contributes to local flooding and infrastructure damage. EPA has announced its intention to significantly update portions of its municipal stormwater regulations, and will be publishing a proposed rule in June 2013. This webinar will focus on the core components under consideration by the Agency and anticipate some of the effects these regulatory changes may have for local governments and utilities.
The discussion will feature Mayor David Pope, Oak Park IL, Christopher Kloss, US EPA; Kevin Shafer, Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District; Charlotte Katzenmoyer, City of Lancaster, PA; and Michele Adams, Meliora Designs. Participants are encouraged to participate in a question and answer session following the presentations.