Pooling Resources: A Workshop for the Innovative Utility Leader

We hope you will join us at an invitation-only, off-the-record workshop with storm, drinking, and waste water utility leaders. This meeting will immediately follow the US Water Alliance’s One Water Summit in New Orleans (June 27-29).  




This is not a traditional conference – the emphasis is on stimulating conversation, sharing big and creative ideas, and creating space for an honest discussion of the issues. We will focus on two core areas related to integrated water management:





  1. Innovative financing across different types of infrastructure, and
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  3. Opportunities for better collaboration between water managers and city departments in order to build co-beneficial outcomes.
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This event is focused on cities in the Great Lakes basin, but the topics covered will be broadly relevant. You will have the opportunity to connect with leaders facing many of the same challenges, from shrinking budgets to algal blooms to lead pipes. We will share what insights and analysis we have gathered so far from our research about how utilities can increase their efficiency in the face of these challenges.
