Click below to view each presentation:
- Ashwat Narayanan is the Director of Transportation Policy at 1000 Friends of Wisconsin. Ash has been working with communities around the state to identify and help implement local policies to promote transportation alternatives to driving, such as bike and pedestrian access and infrastructure.
- Chris McCahill is an Associate Researcher at the State Smart Transportation Initiative, which works to promote sound transportation policy and practice around the country. Chris will speak to the importance of community-wide non-auto accessibility to key destinations, and tools you can use to measure it. Measuring accessibility is often a key step in both understanding your transportation system and advocating for and prioritizing new projects.
- Kim Biedermann is the Associate Planner and Regional Bike and Pedestrian Coordinator for the East Central Regional Planning Commision. Kim is responsible for administering local and regional bike and pedestrian plans, aiding municipalities in implementation, and providing pedestrian-based technical assistance. She will highlight local community engagement efforts for transportation policy change and the associated health and equity impacts.