Webinar: Municipal Housing Policy & Programming

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Marjory Givens is an Associate Scientist with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation-funded County Health Rankings & Roadmaps program at the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. Marjory has worked to make health a routine consideration in the ways communities shape the places where they live, learn, work, and play. Marjory joins us to share information on health and equity implications of housing policy; data we might look to for analyzing and improving health and equity; stakeholders to consider when working on healthy housing; and using Health Impact Assessments on housing issues. 


Jonathan Wilson is the CFO and Director of Research at the National Center for Healthy Housing. Jonathan’s work focuses on research, technical assistance, and policy work. He helped to coordinate the Evaluation of the HUD Lead Hazard Control Grant Program, the largest and most comprehensive study of lead hazard control in housing ever undertaken in the United States. He also led research exploring the EPA lead risk assessment protocols and the effects of window and porch interventions on lead exposure. Jonathan will speak to city-led efforts to increase healthy housing stock, such as a program in Rutland VT to create partnerships with local organizations and healthcare providers to improve local housing stock and a variety of ways to improve the residential inspection process.