Wisconsin Career Pathways: Postsecondary Education for Low-Income, Low-Skill Adults

Karanja, W., L. Dresser, and M. Mackey. Wisconsin Career Pathways: Postsecondary Education for Low-Income, Low-Skill Adults. COWS, 2015.
For Wisconsin workers and employers to thrive in the 21st Century, this critical progress in skills and talent infrastructure must be supported, connected, amplified and extended. Wisconsin is a national leader – in career pathways, in tech college training for displaced and other workers, and in industry/employer driven training investments in the “Fast Forward” grant program for demand-driven training). This infrastructure can help connect the unemployed to work, the underemployed to the skills they need to move toward self-sufficiency, and the state’s employers to relevant strategies for developing their own workers’ skills as well. This infrastructure is critical for advancing Wisconsin’s competitive position and for providing low-wage workers a stronger pathway to self-sustaining jobs.