Implementation of the Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act (WIOA) is well underway. This process creates unprecedented opportunity to adopt policies and practices that boost job quality. Connecting workers with the best quality job possible serves job seekers better. More stable work means higher income, longer job tenure, and better predictability for managing the tensions between work and life. But beyond that, WIOA policies for job quality help protect public investments in training by ensuring that those investments are not simply lost in a revolving door of turnover. Policies that focus on better quality jobs help make WIOA resources a reward for employers who are already treating their workers with greater care, rather than subsidizing low-road competitors who may waste the investment. The full report was produced by COWS, the Keystone Research Center in Pennsylvania, and Policy Matters Ohio, identifies three WIOA quality standards that can target public training investment where it will have stronger returns.
Job Quality in WIOA: Three Ways to Steer Investments towards High Road Jobs
Halbert, H., and S. Herzenberg. “Job Quality in WIOA: Three Ways to Steer Investments towards High Road Jobs”. NAWDP Advantage, Vol. 29, no. 11, National Association of Workforce Development Professionals, 2016, p. 5.