Laura Dresser says the current state minimum wage of $7.25 per hour is simply not enough, and has been the same for more than a decade. “It just gets less and less meaningful, and less …
Month: March 2021
Wisconsin’s $7.25 minimum wage has not increased since 2009. It’s unlikely to change anytime soon.
A new report from COWS, a UW-Madison-based think tank, found that raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2025 would raise the earnings of 30 percent of Wisconsin’s workers. It would also increase earnings …
These UW-Madison students solve problems across the state
In an interview, UniverCity director Gavin Luter said the program undertakes about 60 projects per year across the state. The proposed state budget funding would allow the capacity to increase to about 100 per year.
As COVID-19 crisis increases wealth gap, WI must reform social welfare programs
Laura Dresser, who specializes in labor economics at UW-Madison, said these disparities come because most workers of color in Wisconsin work low-income jobs. Obviously, an economic recession could only worsen their situation.
Report: $15 Minimum Wage Would Help 30 Percent Of Wisconsin Workers
“You can see that even though it’s a universal policy … it raises the wages and brings towards the middle, workers who are disproportionately at the bottom — and that’s Black and brown workers and that’s women …
ECC (Emerald Cities Collaborative) Celebrates Its First Decade with Report
The 10th Anniversary Report provides an overview of ECC’s first decade of achievements and a prescription for what is required to put the United States on a high road toward a sustainable, just and democratic …
COWS Releases New Factsheet on $15 by 2025
This week, COWS released a new report about the impact of raising the minimum wage to $15 by 2025.
What a $15 Minimum Wage Means for Working Wisconsin
We’ve released a new factsheet on how raising the minimum wage to $15 by 2025 in Wisconsin would impact the state’s workers. Using data from the Economic Policy Institute’s recently released report on the Raise the Wage Act of 2021 (which would raise the national minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2025), we’ve summarized findings for Wisconsin and added some context to fill in the picture on wage standards in the state and region.
‘WisBusiness: The Podcast’ features Laura Dresser, COWS
“We’re focusing on what economic change means for working people,” Laura Dresser said. Work changed dramatically for everybody during the pandemic, she said. Some lost their jobs and still have no job, some face potential …
A Tale Of Two Pandemics: Improving Finances For Some, Financial Peril For Others
“Those of us who are carefully ensconced in our homes are not able to see the desperation in the communities of people who have lost work and cannot figure out how to get food on …