Month: February 2013
Wooing Suburban Drivers With Cheap Parking: A Losing Strategy for Cities
Mary Ebeling’s report on parking in cities.
How Will Governor Walker's Budget Impact Wisconsin's Jobs Picture?
Laura Dresser on Wisconsin Eye's "Quarterly Economic Report"
Laura Dresser interviewed by Kathleen Dunn on WPR
This audio file involves two interviews, the first with Paul Krugman, and the Second with Laura Dresser. Laura’s interview starts at 37 minutes and 12 seconds. Click here for interview
ECN Call: Urban Forests and Trees
Trees and urban forests convey numerous cost-effective benefits to cities and homeowners. Strategically placed trees can reduce energy use by as much as 50%, and provide numerous air and water management benefits. On our next …
Media Conference Call Briefing: Exposing ALEC's economic agenda in the states
On Wednesday, February 13, 2013, the Economic Policy Institute will host a media conference call on the economic policy agenda promoted by the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)—an agenda that would weaken state economies, harm …
The People's Mic with Doug Cunningham
Laura Dresser, COWS Associate Director, discusses the economy every second and fourth Monday on the People’s Mic Radio (92.1 FM – Madison)
The People's Mic with Doug Cunningham
Laura Dresser, COWS Associate Director, discusses the economy every second and fourth Monday on the People’s Mic Radio (92.1 FM – Madison).
State of the State's Nonprofit Sector – Appleton
Now that we have avoided stepping off the fiscal cliff and media attention is being diverted to the debt ceiling, it’s time to talk about how this ever-changing economy is effecting Wisconsin’s nonprofit community. Leading the …