The recently proposed Living Wage Ordinance for Milwaukee County would establish a floor on wages of $12.45 per hour for the work done in support of the public priorities achieved through county contracts, leases, and …
Year: 2013
Budget Hurts the Unemployed, Misses the Point
As Urban Freeways Age, a New Push in U.S. to Knock Some Down
Study Finds 'Living Wage' Rules Decrease Job Turnover, Do Not Affect Taxes
Town Hall: Examining the Public Cost of Fast-Food Industry's Low Pay
State senators and representatives will hear from workers and COWS Associate Director, Laura Dresser, about the high number of fast-food workers forced to rely on public assistance. Specifically, Dr. Dresser will discuss the economic implications …
State Smart Transportation Initiative: Community of Practice Spring Meeting
The State Smart Transportation Initiative – a COWS project – is the host for the twice annual Community of Practice meetings, focusing on peer-to-peer interaction between CEOs of state departments of transportation. These meetings allow attendees …
What Were Morgan Stanley Reps Doing at Fossil Fuel Divestment Summit?
Mayors Argue To Cut Fossil Fuel Stock, But Skeptic Urges Softer Approach
Fast Food's Cheap Meals Cost Us All
Fast food workers in Wisconsin make so little money that they routinely rely on government programs in order to make ends meet. The public costs of fast food jobs amount to $166 million in the …
SSTI for US DOT getting MAP-21 Performance Measures Right