Year: 2013
Mayors Innovation Project brief looks at improving local food access
Walker gives details on proposed income tax cuts
The value of multigenerational cities
Mayors Innovation Project: Winter 2013 Meeting
The Mayors Innovation Project (MIP) is a learning network among American mayors committed to “high road” policy and governance: shared prosperity, environmental sustainability, and efficient democratic government. n n Around the country, mayors are …
Laura Dresser Discusses Wisconsin's 2013 Economic Prospects
State of the State's Nonprofit Sector
Join Forward Community Investments for a conversation about nonprofits in Wisconsin. What is their impact on the State’s economy – and vice versa? What are the challenges they must learn to maneuver? What significant trends …
Wisconsin Adds 10,000 Private Sector Jobs In November,156501119,157110845,160496907,167801805
Wisconsins Rising Wealth Gap
Murphy’s Law: Wisconsin’s Rising Wealth Gap
Webcast on solar jobs and training,AAAAAEheacc~,POub7blnBC-FXYxGD0mUNwRahf8Up4a_&bclid=1823436976001&bctid=1835109978001