Year: 2014
C3E 2014: The Future Talent Pipeline
How Mayors Are Changing America
The Governor Can and Should Raise the Minimum Wage
Issue of the Week:“Did you know that Wisconsin’s governor, on his or her own, can raise the minimum wage? In fact, the governor is required by law to ensure that all Wisconsinites—not just those earning …
This Is Scott Walker's Idea Of A Living Wage
WASHINGTON — Linda Branch, a 50-year-old personal care worker in Milwaukee, works 20 hours a week making $11 an hour, or around $400 every two weeks. That’s barely enough to make her rent, she told …
This is an issue that will cost him votes: Will Scott Walkers minimum wage flubs do him in?
COWS calculates that raising the state’s minimum wage to $10.10 an hour would lead to pay increases for half a million Wisconsinites. READ MORE
Labor group to sue Scott Walker's administration for minimum wage study
Wisconsin Jobs Now calls for living wage, cites COWS and EPI study: Raise The Floor. READ MORE
Questionable impact: How much influence do Wisconsin governors have over the state's economy?
COWS Associate Director Laura Dresser is interviewed. READ MORE
Workshop: State Preemption of Local Authority
Across America, new municipal and county health, safety, labor and environmental ordinances are the focus of a growing trend: they are being overruled – or “preempted” – by state legislation. That’s why SEIU, the Rockefeller Family …
6 anti-woman policies Scott Walker may want voters to forget
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker spent this week trying to convince women voters that he isn’t as extreme on reproductive rights as his record shows. Between a misleading ad about new restrictions on abortion and dodging …